LIFE’S LITTLE DECONSTRUCTION BOOK: Self-Help for the Post-Hip (W.W. Norton & Co., 1998, softcover, $7.99) (Penguin, 1999) Portable Po-Mo, Disposable Derrida, Foucault-To-Go. This tiny manual provides an introduction to theoretical posturing, a commentary on post-modernism, a subversive satire, and a tribute to the love-hate relationship many of us have with fashionable ideas—all in a very...

THE ACTIVIST COOKBOOK: Creative Actions For A Fair Economy
THE ACTIVIST COOKBOOK: Creative Actions for a Fair Economy (Fair Economy Press, softcover, 1996, 8.5″x11″, $15) This hands-on manual showcases some of the best media stunts, street theater skits and creative direct actions from the labor, environmental and social justice movements. Empowers organizers, artists and educators to get their message across in powerful, creative ways....

The Web Rewires the Movement
[Originally appeared as the cover article in the August 4, 2003 edition of The Nation.] From MoveOn to meetup.com, the net is facilitating a new citizen insurgency The Battle in Seattle brought to the world’s attention a new global resistance movement that was not only made possible by the Internet but, as Naomi Klein has...