Some of these books-in-progress are being furiously forged in the smithy of my soul at this very moment. Others are languishing away, half-written word-salads, in a forgotten folder on my hard drive. Can you tell which is which?

PILGRIMAGE TO NOWHERE Facing a middle-aged funk, Andrew Boyd, author of the underground spiritual classic, Daily Afflictions, sets off around the world, spoiling for a run-in with the Divine. But his quest across the heartlands of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity runs smack into the modern pilgrim’s dilemma: How can you lose yourself—never mind find yourself—when...

ENLIGHTENED MACHISMO: Self-Help for the Post-Asshole
If you’ve ever wondered how to be sexy and anti-sexist at exactly the same time, this is the book you’ve been waiting for. Of course, you might have to keep waiting. Since I’m still writing it. But here’s a couple pieces that have already been published: The Happiest Day of Somebody Else’s Life (The Sun...