Seven (Additional) Characters in Search of an Apocalypse
[These 7 characters, as well as the original 12, are excerpts from I Want a Better Catastrophe (forthcoming 2019-ish). 12 Characters is now also a series of interactive conversations touring England and Wales.] SEVEN (ADDITIONAL) CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN APOCALYPSE We can fix this. We are facing the greatest challenge in the history of humanity. In a few short...

Twelve Characters in Search of an Apocalypse
[originally published in: Dark Mountain Issue 11 (Spring 2017)] TWELVE CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN APOCALYPSE I did the math I did the math. But I wish I hadn’t. It was right after Hurricane Sandy. Over a week-long binge I read everything I could find. I work downtown, you see. And they’d lost power, but uptown...

I WANT A BETTER CATASTROPHE: Navigating the Climate Crisis with Grief, Hope and Gallows Humor (An existential manual for tragic optimists, can-do pessimists, and compassionate doomers) Available NOW at: BookShop | Amazon | Goodreads Read samples of the book, catch the tour, join the conversation, and more at: bettercatastrophe.com. In this grave and irreverent philosophical manual, Andrew...

Don’t Wait for the Revolution—Live It
[originally published in: Yes Magazine, Issue 66, Summer 2013] We can’t create a better world if we haven’t yet imagined it. How much better then, if we are able to touch such a world, experience it directly, even live in it—if only to a partial degree and for a brief moment. This is the idea...

BEAUTIFUL TROUBLE: A Toolbox for Revolution
Puts the accumulated wisdom of decades of creative protest into the hands of the next generation of troublemakers. Use it to instigate anything from a flashmob to a revolution.

PILGRIMAGE TO NOWHERE Facing a middle-aged funk, Andrew Boyd, author of the underground spiritual classic, Daily Afflictions, sets off around the world, spoiling for a run-in with the Divine. But his quest across the heartlands of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity runs smack into the modern pilgrim’s dilemma: How can you lose yourself—never mind find yourself—when...

TRUTH IS A VIRUS: Meme Warfare and the Billionaires for Bush (or Gore)
TRUTH IS A VIRUS: Meme Warfare and the Billionaires for Bush (or Gore) Andrew Boyd [first published in: Cultural Resistance, Ed. Steven Duncombe, Verso, April 2002] “Truth is a Virus.” When I first saw this phrase, defiantly spray-painted on the walls of a suburban high-school, it thrilled me. So what if it was only a...

Why I love and hate Adbusters!
Why I love and hate Adbusters! I love Adbusters! I hate Adbusters! I love Adbusters! I hate Adbusters! Turning the pages of the glossy Vancouver quarterly, I’m like an obsessed teenager pulling petals out of a flower. I love Adbusters! I hate Adbusters! I love how they take the sly, slick, seductive genius of Madison...

THE MANUFACTURE OF DISSENT: What the Left Can Learn from Las Vegas
THE MANUFACTURE OF DISSENT: What the Left Can Learn from Las Vegas by Andrew Boyd and Stephen Duncombe Originally published in the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest – Volume 1, Issue 3, which later became the basis for Steve’s (excellent) book, Dream. Scholars take note: the concept of an “Ethical Spectacle” was thunked up by both...

Save Western Civilization now! Ask me how.
Not long ago, Western Civilization was at an impasse, so I wrote a book to move us forward. I didn't want to write it but I couldn't help myself. Let me explain...

ENLIGHTENED MACHISMO: Self-Help for the Post-Asshole
If you’ve ever wondered how to be sexy and anti-sexist at exactly the same time, this is the book you’ve been waiting for. Of course, you might have to keep waiting. Since I’m still writing it. But here’s a couple pieces that have already been published: The Happiest Day of Somebody Else’s Life (The Sun...

DAILY AFFLICTIONS: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe
A dark, twisted existential manifesto posing as a book of daily inspiration.