Some of the media stunts, one-man shows, meme campaigns, concept posters, and culture jams I’ve done in the last 9125 days.

Oil barons David and Charles Koch are America’s new Public Enemy #1. Whether they’re supporting Governor Walker’s union-busting efforts, wining and dining Scalia and Thomas at secret meetings with right-wing billionaires, or funding climate change denial, Koch Brother influence and money are on the wrong side of almost everything progressives are fighting for in America....

US Uncut
Taking a page from the successful UK Uncut campaign, US Uncut flips the script on the current austerity mania by taking grassroots direct action at the offices and storefronts of corporate tax dodgers like Bank of America, Verizon, GE and Apple. By demanding “No more cuts until corporate tax cheats pay up,” and shifting the...