An old roomate once described me as, “A man of many projects.” He could also have said, “A man of many projects that never got off the ground.” Here are some of them. Anyone wanna help?

Multi-player board game based on the color wheel and various combinations of equilateral triangles into larger shapes. Again, any Hasbro reps reading this, give me a call. And here’s a sweet blog post about Spec•t•angle (and strategy gaming in general), by friend and amateur game theorist, Tate Hausman.

Math game with numbered cubes. Years ago built a prototype and play-tested it with friends and in classrooms. Worked beautifully, but never sold it. Can’t say any more than this, as I stand to lose millions of dollars in potential revenue. ;-) Anyone want to code it into an iPhone app and share the profits?...

Crazy Numbers
Math game with cards. Like Crazy 8’s but with the first 100 integers. Educational, and fun for the whole family.

Philosophical Shit List
From The Ancient Greeks (Heraclitus: You can't step in the same shit twice) thru the Enlightenment (Rousseau: Man is free to shit but is everywhere constipated), to the present day (Derrida: Deconstruct the privileging of shit over crap), here is the entire canon of Western philosophy through a scatological lens

NOW AND ZEN: Existential Clocks
Some years back I built a number of “existential” clocks and watches. I gave a few away as gifts but there’s still a couple working prototypes (both analog and digital) ticking away in my apartment, reminding visitors that not only is there no time like the present, there’s no time but the present. Set your...

101 WAYS TO GET BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL: Nietzsche’s Little Instruction Set
Mao had his Little Red Book. This would be Nietzsche’s. Unpublished as yet, but check out the PDF of the poster.

Design for Good
Many progressive grass-roots groups know they need more artfully crafted messages and better designed materials, but they have neither the resources nor know-how to make good design happen themselves. Many creative professionals who churn out top quality stuff in their spirit-killing corporate day jobs would jump at the chance to put their skills to work...