Whether I’m trying to extrude all of Western Philosophy into succinct scatological statements or auction off a Picasso in the MOMA lobby, I’ve always got a few projects going. And whether you’ve come to catch up (Hey, Andrew, what are you up to these days?), reminisce (Ah, those were the days), or just commune with a fellow procrastinator (I’ll get around to it some day), here they all are.

101 WAYS TO GET BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL: Nietzsche’s Little Instruction Set
Mao had his Little Red Book. This would be Nietzsche’s. Unpublished as yet, but check out the PDF of the poster.

Design for Good
Many progressive grass-roots groups know they need more artfully crafted messages and better designed materials, but they have neither the resources nor know-how to make good design happen themselves. Many creative professionals who churn out top quality stuff in their spirit-killing corporate day jobs would jump at the chance to put their skills to work...