Save Western Civilization now! Ask me how.
Not long ago, Western Civilization was at an impasse, so I wrote a book to move us forward. I didn't want to write it but I couldn't help myself. Let me explain...

Classroom uses.
CLASSROOM USES FOR “Life’s Little Deconstruction Book” (Andrew Boyd, W. W. Norton, $7.95, paperback) WHY: > Fun, jargon-free primer on post-modernism. > Playful introduction to cultural theory and post-structuralist thought. > Works for both introductory and upper-level courses. HOW: Activity ideas for theory and upper-level courses: • Individual maxims provide great focal points for discussion. ...

Write your own PoMoToGo
READERS: WRITE YOUR OWN PO-MO-TO-GO-ISM. FILL THE BOOK’S MISSING # 366 LEAP YEAR SPOT. Add your own po-mo-to-go-ism via the form below. The book has 365 post-modern maxims—one for every day—but we forgot about the leap year. The 366 slot is empty and will be filled by our readers’ best ideas. Your entry should begin...

A selection.
The First 50: 1. Talk about anything in the context of anything else. 2. Implicate yourself in every interpretation. 3. Dip into nihilism. 4. Sample. 5. Need what recently didn’t exist. 6. Expose depth as another surface. 7. Pose. 8. Control the remote. 9. Read the text as you desire. 10. Learn to play a...

LIFE’S LITTLE DECONSTRUCTION BOOK: Self-Help for the Post-Hip (W.W. Norton & Co., 1998, softcover, $7.99) (Penguin, 1999) Portable Po-Mo, Disposable Derrida, Foucault-To-Go. This tiny manual provides an introduction to theoretical posturing, a commentary on post-modernism, a subversive satire, and a tribute to the love-hate relationship many of us have with fashionable ideas—all in a very...