Existential contest.
Reinterpret the great existential masters! Submit your own reinterpretation. Submissions so far: 41. German imagines Sartre living in Compton: “Hell is other peeps.” 40. C. J. Kershner tells us the following: As a jaded young person who is tired and discontent with the society into which he has been so cruelly thrust, I feel it...

Add your own Philosophical Shit
READERS: ADD YOUR OWN. TALK SHIT ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE PHILOSOPHER. ENTRIES SO FAR: Diogenes — I will shit in public. Luther — I can shit myself; I do not need the church to shit for me. Benjamin — Mechanical shit is without aura. Habermas — All shitting presupposes the ideal shit situation. Cicero — What times!...

Write your own PoMoToGo
READERS: WRITE YOUR OWN PO-MO-TO-GO-ISM. FILL THE BOOK’S MISSING # 366 LEAP YEAR SPOT. Add your own po-mo-to-go-ism via the form below. The book has 365 post-modern maxims—one for every day—but we forgot about the leap year. The 366 slot is empty and will be filled by our readers’ best ideas. Your entry should begin...