Existential contest.
Reinterpret the great existential masters! Submit your own reinterpretation. Submissions so far: 41. German imagines Sartre living in Compton: “Hell is other peeps.” 40. C. J. Kershner tells us the following: As a jaded young person who is tired and discontent with the society into which he has been so cruelly thrust, I feel it...

Read the Book…
READ THE BOOK… LIFE The interstate of life FAMILY The nurturing power of dysfunctional families LOVE Loving the wrong person CAREER The tragedy of commitment POLITICS The inner bigot PHILOSOPHY One step from oblivion RELIGION Skeptical mysticism DEATH Embracing your inner corpse ENLIGHTENMENT The agony of being connected to everything in the Universe INDEX (“…the...

The Other 98%
The Other 98% was founded on the premise that our economy and democracy should work for everyday Americans, not the elite 2% of bankers, CEOs and lobbyists who've hijacked our democracy and rigged the system to serve themselves.

Multi-player board game based on the color wheel and various combinations of equilateral triangles into larger shapes. Again, any Hasbro reps reading this, give me a call. And here’s a sweet blog post about Spec•t•angle (and strategy gaming in general), by friend and amateur game theorist, Tate Hausman.

Math game with numbered cubes. Years ago built a prototype and play-tested it with friends and in classrooms. Worked beautifully, but never sold it. Can’t say any more than this, as I stand to lose millions of dollars in potential revenue. ;-) Anyone want to code it into an iPhone app and share the profits?...

Crazy Numbers
Math game with cards. Like Crazy 8’s but with the first 100 integers. Educational, and fun for the whole family.

PILGRIMAGE TO NOWHERE Facing a middle-aged funk, Andrew Boyd, author of the underground spiritual classic, Daily Afflictions, sets off around the world, spoiling for a run-in with the Divine. But his quest across the heartlands of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity runs smack into the modern pilgrim’s dilemma: How can you lose yourself—never mind find yourself—when...

Agit-Pop Communications
Agit-Pop Communications is a one-stop creative shop for the progressive movement. We design smart real world actions and cutting edge new media for social change campaigns. We use sexy, engaging messaging with state-of-the-art tools to inspire people to take action. Our work has won a Webby, two Contagious Festivals and YouTube’s Best Political Video of...

Add your own Philosophical Shit
READERS: ADD YOUR OWN. TALK SHIT ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE PHILOSOPHER. ENTRIES SO FAR: Diogenes — I will shit in public. Luther — I can shit myself; I do not need the church to shit for me. Benjamin — Mechanical shit is without aura. Habermas — All shitting presupposes the ideal shit situation. Cicero — What times!...

Philosophical Shit List
From The Ancient Greeks (Heraclitus: You can't step in the same shit twice) thru the Enlightenment (Rousseau: Man is free to shit but is everywhere constipated), to the present day (Derrida: Deconstruct the privileging of shit over crap), here is the entire canon of Western philosophy through a scatological lens